Page name: Temple Of Life [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-10-11 02:47:45
Last author: Shatureel
Owner: Shatureel
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Goddess Of Life

Temple Of Life



Name: Shatureel
Nick Names: Goddess of Life
Sex: Unknown
Age: Ageless
Ability: Power to Create Life.
Dislikes: People who judge others for any reason.
Weapon of choice: Staff of Life
Powers: 1) Shapeshifter, 2) Psychokinesis - : movement of physical objects by the mind without use of physical means. 3) Telekinesis : the production of motion in objects (as by a spiritualistic medium) without contact or other physical means 
Animal symbol: White Leapord and White Wolf

Temple Of Life Member's

Wiki's Of My Friends

Gods of Elfpack  owned by [Ultra Hunger]

dreamers/believers owned by [superego]

Pumpkin Land  owned by [Shatureel]

God of Sorrow  owned by [Ajsinnott]

My dear loyal subjects please go and check out Pumpkin Land



Forest Of Life
Temple Of Life Memoriam's
Temple of Life Two
Temple of Life Banners

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2006-07-18 [erowen]: your not a nothing person i like you

2006-07-19 [DRACE]: yer but you don't know me -.-

2006-07-19 [erowen]: ok well i like you so far, how about that

2006-07-24 [DRACE]: mmm it will have to do ^-^

2006-07-24 [erowen]: ok

2006-07-25 [DRACE]: *licks [erowen]'s right hand* eh I was bored.... but you taste good ^-^

2006-07-25 [erowen]: lol thanks, hey i only have 3 and a half weeks left

2006-07-25 [DRACE]: well congrats... *passes out just for thinking of what happens* x_X

2006-08-24 [Raikcoes]: boo

2006-08-25 [Shatureel]: BOOOOOOOO back at you. seems nobody visits my temple anymore. :(

2006-08-25 [Raikcoes]: i do everytime i am on!!!

2006-08-25 [Shatureel]: I know you do, but it has gotten pretty lonely here.

2006-08-25 [Raikcoes]: i bet. pplo are mean

2006-08-25 [Shatureel]: yea I don't know why, maybe I need to do something to attract more ppl.

2006-08-25 [Raikcoes]: maybe

2006-08-25 [Shatureel]: let me know if you think of something

2006-08-25 [Raikcoes]: kk

2006-08-25 [DRACE]: you could put nuddie pics up, that will atrract more... *grins innocently* - eh I'd come here more if I had more time on here and didn't forget about this wiki ~_~

2006-08-25 [Shatureel]: *sighs* 

2006-08-26 [DRACE]: *whimpers, turns and walks away*

2006-08-26 [L V F]: -sharpens blade-

2006-08-26 [Shatureel]: Where you going [DRACE]?

2006-08-27 [DRACE]: away from here, I only make you sad -.-

2006-08-28 [Shatureel]: No you don't make me sad [DRACE], what makes me sad is that hardly anyone comes here anymore.

2006-08-28 [L V F]: I have a good excuse. ive been really busy. and ive been grounded

2006-08-28 [Sweet Disaster]: Kirstie is dead.

2006-08-28 [Shatureel]: What do you mane Kirstie is dead?

2006-08-29 [DRACE]: check her house [Shatureel], she passed on

2006-08-29 [erowen]: i had my baby

2006-08-30 [Shatureel]: I am so sorry to hear that, she will be missed. And [erowen] congrats on your baby, what was it?

2006-08-31 [Raikcoes]: oh kay...

2006-09-01 [DRACE]: *hugs [Raikcoes]* so why the space between in your name [Raikcoes]? its lost its smexiness now ;_;

2006-09-01 [Shatureel]: No it hasn't, don't listen to him. LOL

2006-09-02 [DRACE]: *growls at [Shatureel] then lungers at her, tackling her to the ground* licky licky *licks [Shatureel] from the bottom of her chin to the top of her right ear in one big slobbery slurp* hehe

2006-09-02 [Shatureel]: *laughs, pushes [DRACE] off her and sits on top of him* You like licks don't you. *bends forward and licks your face.*

2006-09-02 [DRACE]: well if you want to lick something that much... *reachs down to his zipper and slides it open alittle* heh :P *grins innocently*

2006-09-03 [L V F]: -pulls out a throwing knife and sharpens it while watching-

2006-09-03 [Venom Boy]: <img:> Anyone who was associated with or friends with Miss Kirstie, please take this as a reminder of the loss of our loved one.

2006-09-04 [DRACE]: [Venom Boy] can you ask the perosn that was [+Shadow+] ( I can't remember her name, but I think was Kirstie's sister ) the following >>> if you ever need to chat, just send an email too <<<

I can't remember her addy thingy, not that she gave it to me ~_~

2006-09-04 [DRACE]: *walks in and goes to the medical cabbinate, takes out a few bandages and patchs, he walks over to a dully lite seat, puts his blood soaked long black coat on a hook, takes his wide brimmed hat and his shirt off*

2006-09-04 [DRACE]: *he wipes away the blood from his left upper chest, left arm and right lower leg muscle, , then begins to remove the bullets from his wounds, then pours a bottle of vodka over the wounds to sterilize them... he howls out loud ad covers them up with the patchs and bandages*

2006-09-04 [DRACE]: *mutters, 'well thats the last time I try and help out a friend', drinks the rest of the vodka, as he sits in pain*

2006-09-04 [DRACE]: *rests his right leg up on his folded shirt, puts his headphones on, turns on his mp3 player and listens to the beat*

2006-09-04 [DRACE]: read my diary...................

2006-09-05 [Shatureel]: Thank you for the banner [Venom Boy] I will hang it her so that she will be remembered. *Walks over to [DRACE] and places hands on his shoulders.* Licking is out of the question my friend, but I can help you with your pain. *Closes eyes and sends a warm soothing glow into [DRACE] shoulders.* Tell me how does that feel?

2006-09-06 [DRACE]: yes it does a bit *clicks his neck and looks down at his right leg, he looks up at [Shatureel] and asks, 'well what about my leg too'*

2006-09-07 [Shatureel]: *smiles and sends energy to leg.* How is that?

2006-09-07 [DRACE]: *grins and says, 'well thats not all its done'...* twitch twitch....... :P anyways

2006-09-07 [Shatureel]: *laughs* You are to much [DRACE], I wouldn't have you another way.

2006-09-08 [DRACE]: how hard is it to spell my name, I mean DAMN GIRL >.<

2006-09-08 [Shatureel]: What are you talking about, I spelled it right. *grins*

2006-09-09 [DRACE]: yer the SECOND time you did :P but I got a screen shot of it lol

2006-09-09 [L V F]: -pops up out of nowhere but naked- Oops knew i forgot something this morning.

2006-09-10 [Shatureel]: *looks [L V F] over and grins* You look fine to me. LOL [DRACE] if you have a screen shot of it, show me. *grins and sticks tounge out*

2006-09-10 [DRACE]: eh not now, I have pics up that I don't want to take down darlin -.-

go looky at them please

2006-09-10 [Shatureel]: Okay [DRACE] I shall take a looksy

2006-09-11 [erowen]: hey everyone sorry ive been away so long

2006-09-11 [DRACE]: nar its okay, its good you are back though ^-^ *clings to [erowen] and cuddles* I missed you ^-^

2006-09-11 [erowen]: i missed you too, but while ive been away, ive been having fun with my daughter

2006-09-11 [DRACE]: ^-^ nice

2006-09-11 [L V F]: -runs streaking through the wiki-

2006-09-11 [Shatureel]: *zaps [L V F] with a small bolt of lightening* Thats what you get for streaking here. *laughs and turns to [erowen]* Hello sweety how are you, tell me all about your beautiful baby girl.

2006-09-12 [DRACE]: see see thats why I don't streak no mores, [Shatureel] has a mean back swing >.<

2006-09-12 [erowen]: she is soooo beautiful, im really excited, she is 25 days old and she weighs 8 pounds and 9 ounces, (she was 7 pounds and 12 ounces when she was born)

2006-09-12 [Shatureel]: *grins at [DRACE], then smiles at [erowen]* That is awesome to hear, god bless, so when do we get to see the little darling.

2006-09-13 [DRACE]: drace maybe dying soon, to make place for another, he is a mean little fucker, I am just warning you now, so don't bitch to me or [RIFT KEEPER] - oh and the one who was rift, is gone, I got the house again

2006-09-13 [erowen]: as soon as i can scan a picture and put it up, ill let you guys know

2006-09-13 [L V F]: -sneaks around-

2006-09-13 [Shatureel]: *keeps an eye on [L V F]* That is nice to hear [erowen] can't wait to see her.

2006-09-14 [DRACE]: *sneakily follows [L V F], keeps to shadows*

2006-09-14 [L V F]: -pounces [hatureel] and bites her-

2006-09-15 [Shatureel]: *screams and slams [L V F] into the wall then points hand at him and lifts him into the air and holds him there without touching him* What the hell you bite me for you Lycan, you are lucky that I am the Goddess of Life and your bite will not affect me.

2006-09-15 [L V F]: Because im hungry. I been blood lusting like crasy. -turns full lycan and breaks your spell and falls to the ground- And you just made a challenge.

2006-09-15 [Shatureel]: *laughs and floats up into the air* You have no power over me Lycan, nothing you do to me will affect me, you should know that. As for a challenge, you are no match for me, unlike me you can die, I cannot. This is my domain, here I am the law. I have granted you access to my Kingdom and this is how you repay me. *shakes head and dissolves into the air* 

2006-09-16 [L V F]: Sry its the blood lusts im getting a little.... um yea. hostile. -wimpers-

2006-09-16 [Shatureel]: *Floats back down but hovers just off the ground and looks you in the eyes* Then go and hunt in the forest of life, it is safe for you there.

2006-09-16 [L V F]: -nods and runs off-

2006-09-16 [Shatureel]: *smiles and watches making sure no one gets in his way*

2006-09-18 [DRACE]: its easier to think of [Shatureel] as mother nature

*morphs into his adult wolf man form, walks to the top of the tallest cliff, grows his wings, he smils taking a quite a few steps back then he charges at the cliff face, dives off and just before he hits, he spreads his wings and soars up into the heavens on the rising air currents*

2006-09-18 [L V F]: -comes back useing a toothpick on my teeth- well i feel better.

2006-09-18 [erowen]: if anyone wants to see a pic of my daughter message me and ill give you the link. if i dont know you please dont ask. you know who you are if i know you. thanks

2006-09-18 [Shatureel]: Well sweety I would love to see a pic of your little darling. *smiles at [L V F]* It is good to see that you are sated for now, always remember when the need to hunt strikes, you can us the Forest Of Life. [DRACE] thank you, no one has ever thought of me as mother nature it is sweet.

2006-09-19 [DRACE]: eh well its true darlin, you say you are the goddess of life, that name has been said to be mother nature in the past :P

2006-09-19 [erowen]: ok everyone here is the link. when you get there go to the nurserythen in the space to find a baby put sapp in the last name spot and Aug 8 in the other spots, then click enter then click on Harley S. if you have any questions let me know and i will help

2006-09-19 [Shatureel]: Sorry sweety I tried it but could not get in, I put in sapp but it says should be only 3 letters. 

2006-09-20 [DRACE]: I caught a mouse in my mouse boxtrap today, I didn't want to drown it, so I put it in a jar and sufficated it with black spraypaint, I'm a mean little fucker or so I was told *grins evily*

2006-09-20 [erowen]: oh well then you go ahead and put sap

2006-09-21 [DRACE]: my trap caught 2 more mices today, but my dad got rid of them, he likes drowning them o.O

2006-09-22 [Raikcoes]: gross

2006-09-24 [DRACE]: eh I did it worse *grins evily* like our death row thinies, the pine sniffing area thingies eh I'm rambling >.<

2006-09-24 [Shatureel]: Not as bad as me, hitting them over the head with a hammer and chasing my sisters and brothers with it. hehehehehehe

2006-09-24 [L V F]: -hides in my hole-

2006-09-24 [Shatureel]: *spies [L V F] hiding and grins* Don't worry love, I will not hit you over the head with my hammer, besides your head is to hard anyways. ^_~

2006-09-24 [L V F]: damn right! wait a minuet.... -crys-

2006-09-24 [Shatureel]: *laughs and crawls into your hiding hole* Whats wrong sweety?

2006-09-24 [L V F]: u dont like me anynore...

2006-09-24 [00000000000]: HELLO ALL HOPE EVERY THING IS WELL

2006-09-24 [Shatureel]: [L V F] I like you, you are my friend. What made you think I did not like you anymore. Well hello Merce it is nice to see you again.

2006-09-25 [playgirl_10]: how r u

2006-09-25 [Shatureel]: I am fine, welcome to my temple.

2006-09-27 [DRACE]: I'd say you're crazy, but I think you have been that way since before I knew you

2006-09-27 [L V F]: -hugs [Shatureel]-

2006-09-27 [erowen]: hi everyone

2006-09-28 [Shatureel]: *hugs [L V F] back* *Turns to [DRACE] and smiles* But of course I am sweety, how else would I deal with all that a Goddess must do. [erowen] its good to see you again, how is the baby and how are you doing dear.

2006-09-28 [DRACE]: <<< only go there if you are over 18 or 21, depending on your countries laws... meh don't complain to me if you get busted at school you little bitchs

2006-09-28 [Kenny Kumonu]: a guy from china moved to usa a few years ago, the cops were called by a neighbour, cause of a strange noise and they found him in his apartment eating the remains of a lady, when they asked him what he was doing, he said, "I always wanted to eat a white woman"

*wants to eat [Shatureel] in the exact same way* hahahahaha

2006-09-28 [erowen]: im doing good and so is the baby, shes growing like a weed

2006-09-29 [DRACE]: O.o a weed... thats not nice to say about such a beautiful child -.-

2006-09-29 [erowen]: thats not what i ment

2006-09-30 [DRACE]: I know

2006-09-30 [Shatureel]: [Kenny Kumonu] you can dream of it, but it will never happen. *laughing* [erowen] she is going to grow at the speed of lightening. 

2006-10-01 [Kenny Kumonu]: you never know [Shatureel], I plan on eating erowen too

2006-10-01 [Shatureel]: *laughing* She is off limits to you.

2006-10-01 [Kenny Kumonu]: I wasn't meaning eating in the good way, I like human flesh, it tastes better than rabbit, but its a nice strong texture

2006-10-01 [Shatureel]: I don't care how you meant, she is still off limits to you.

2006-10-01 [Kenny Kumonu]: whatever

2006-10-01 [Shatureel]: Yea whatever.

2006-10-01 [Kenny Kumonu]: whaever x10 :P

2006-10-01 [Shatureel]: Yea if you say so.

2006-10-01 [Kenny Kumonu]: lets not fight Shay, I could be you best friend, if you weren't such a... nevermind, keep on bitching at me if you wish

2006-10-01 [Shatureel]: You started it. Don't come being all macho man with me and expect me to back away, cause I don't back away that easily.

2006-10-01 [Kenny Kumonu]: I'm trying to call a truce Shay, but if you are to much of a bitch to see that, than there is no point in being nice, even if it is for just wanting to be a friend

2006-10-01 [Shatureel]: If anyone is being a bitch it is you. You come to my wiki and you say shit about me and I am suppose to smile and say yes sir. If you wish to remain in this wiki then I advice you to be careful with your words. This wiki is to have fun in and nothing more. I don't even know you and yet you came and attack me. If you want a truce, calling me a bitch will not get you that truce.  

2006-10-01 [Kenny Kumonu]: okay fine, I take it back

2006-10-01 [Shatureel]: Good.

2006-10-01 [Kenny Kumonu]: hmmm Drace just left again, I wil he would make up his mind

2006-10-01 [L V F]: -sits on a rock sharpning my claws-

2006-10-01 [Shatureel]: *looks around to see who has returned from the hunt*

2006-10-02 [DRACE]: *stands on his head to get a better view of the world... and a sneak peak up [Shatureel]'s skirt* :P

2006-10-02 [erowen]: yeah, im off limits to you, who ever you are. *eyes widen* im off limits to someone? cool!!!!

2006-10-02 [L V F]: -nudges [DRACE] with a pointy stick- oooooo its alive!

2006-10-02 [DRACE]: *growls and wraps his tail around [L V F]'s neck and starts to tighten his grip* all I'm waiting for is that tiny little snap of the neck

2006-10-02 [Shatureel]: Boys behave or I will freeze both of you

2006-10-03 [L V F]: -chuckles and snaps fingers shocking drace with a bolt of electricity-

2006-10-03 [DRACE]: mate [Shatureel] zaps me all the time, you are weak, *tightens his grip, than picks [L V F] up off the ground, spins him around then tosses him into a rasberry bush*

2006-10-03 [erowen]: you need to be nice to [DRACE] he belongs to me

2006-10-03 [DRACE]: O.o I do... okay thats odd

2006-10-03 [erowen]: yeah you do, if thats ok

2006-10-03 [DRACE]: eh its okay by me ^-^

2006-10-03 [erowen]: cool

2006-10-03 [DRACE]: *morphs into his wolf pup form and walks beside [erowen]*

2006-10-03 [erowen]: *picks up wolf puppy and cuddles*

2006-10-03 [Shatureel]: *laughs*, He can be a darling when he is in that stage.

2006-10-04 [DRACE]: *grinsand flashs [Shatureel]* or a naughty little creep :P

2006-10-04 [erowen]: yeah

2006-10-04 [DRACE]: *snuggles into [erowen]'s arms*

2006-10-04 [erowen]: *pets [DRACE] gently*

2006-10-04 [Shatureel]: *laughs and walks away*

2006-10-05 [DRACE]: *drifts off to sleep... starts snoring LOUDLY*

2006-10-06 [Shatureel]: *wonders around the garden, sits up against a tree and tilts head up to the sky and watches the clouds*

2006-10-08 [DRACE]: *stops his snoring, but starts drolling*

2006-10-09 [erowen]: *gently sets him down to get him a drop cloth*

2006-10-09 [DRACE]: *wakes up... runs to the wall than scampers up it and across the celling, then drops down the light fixture, wraps his tail around the light fixture chain to hold on and curls up and goes to sleep...*

2006-10-15 [Kenny Kumonu]: 7:00 News: Michael Jackson Assassinated... YAY...

2006-10-15 [Raikcoes]: -stares at drace and giggles- and they say im weird lol j/k

2006-10-15 [Shatureel]: we are all a little weird, if we were not we would all go insane, lol

2006-10-16 [DRACE]: oh I know I'm weird, crazy, twitsed, loopy and well just plane odd [Raikcoes] I had to be me, cause everyone else was taken :P

2006-10-16 [erowen]: did michael jackson really get killed

2006-10-16 [DRACE]: why, are you a fan of that pedo are you?

2006-10-16 [erowen]: no i was just wondering because if he is good

2006-10-16 [Raikcoes]: i hope the bastard was killed, blah lil kids

2006-10-17 [Shatureel]: Nope he is still alive.

2006-10-17 [DRACE]: darn I missed *reloads his sniper rifle and hitsthe very tip of [Shatureel]'s left shoe* O_O whoops *puts the gun down and runs away*

2006-10-17 [Raikcoes]: -growls and chases drace- you moron, trying to hurt my sissy -pounces-

2006-10-18 [Shatureel]: Get him good littl sis.

2006-10-18 [Raikcoes]: i shall sissy

2006-10-18 [Kenny Kumonu]: sisters, are better fucked at the same time... hehe

2006-10-18 [Raikcoes]: you need to go away

2006-10-18 [Kenny Kumonu]: awww so you realy want me DRACE to go away, shame on you
heh, kenny is gone, the fuck head got a one way ticket to the usa >.< meh well he is a stuntman and I spose he has to go where the work is >.<

2006-10-18 [Raikcoes]: if you are drace, then tell me something only he would know

2006-10-18 [Kenny Kumonu]: I onced did a drawing, that I never put up >.< about you and him and the hatching of a small dragon, in one of your wiki's you were laying on the my bed in my den, waiting for the dragon to hatch while I was outside with alittle shadow dragon that looks kinda like a duck

2006-10-18 [Kenny Kumonu]: funny that you haven't said anything, what don't you like the fact that its true or is it the point that you are just gone and I am talking to myself again >.<

2006-10-18 [Raikcoes]: it was the second one hun you got to remember that i usually have like 4 chat sites open and a minimum of 6 peeps talkin to me on my IM

2006-10-18 [Kenny Kumonu]: *rolls his eyes, than puts you over his knees and spanks you*

2006-10-18 [Raikcoes]: -laughs and giggles-

2006-10-18 [Kenny Kumonu]: kiss me where it smells funny <<< bloodhound song, don't go off at me, but if you wanna do what it says, heh go ahead *grins wickedly*

2006-10-18 [Raikcoes]: -shakes head- your a perve drace

2006-10-18 [Kenny Kumonu]: so, have you got a problem with that?

2006-10-18 [DRACE]: *runs through the room STARK NAKKID*

2006-10-18 [erowen]: ok

2006-10-18 [DRACE]: *smiles to [erowen] and walks over to her* hello darlin, ya wanna tug *grins cheekily*

2006-10-18 [erowen]: sure *smiles back*

2006-10-18 [Raikcoes]: -jumps up in the rafters-

2006-10-19 [L V F]: -sharpens claws-

2006-10-19 [DRACE]: *smiles and kisses [erowen]'s sweet lips*

2006-10-19 [Raikcoes]: will you two get a room...sheesh --wonders through the rafters-

2006-10-19 [erowen]: this is our room

2006-10-19 [Raikcoes]: lmao...then take it to the closet?

2006-10-19 [Shatureel]: Points up if you want a room make one and link it here, simple as that.

2006-10-20 [DRACE]: okay I shall do that right now... seen as though I have 2 hours left online :P

2006-10-20 [DRACE]: here we are............. Do the Dirty

2006-10-27 [L V F]: -pokes evreybody-

2006-10-27 [DRACE]: *kicks [L V F] in the sake from behind and runs away*

2006-10-27 [erowen]: lol dont poke me ill have to hurt u

2006-10-27 [DRACE]: hmmm *pokes [erowen]* :P

2006-10-27 [Shatureel]: *laughs and pokes [L V F]* This is fun.

2006-10-28 [L V F]: -growls at drace and purrs at shatureel-

2006-10-28 [Shatureel]: *grins* hi there how you.

2006-10-28 [L V F]: -cuddles with the goddess-

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